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Robert Rauschenberg was a painter, photographer, printmaker, choreographer, onstage performer, set designer and, in later years, even a composer, Mr. Rauschenberg defied the traditional idea that an artist stick to one medium or style. He pushed, prodded and sometimes reconceived all the mediums in which he worked. Building on the legacies of Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters, Joseph Cornell and others, he helped obscure the lines between painting and sculpture, painting and photography, photography and printmaking, sculpture and photography, sculpture and dance, sculpture and technology, technology and performance art — not to mention between art and life. Rauschenberg was also instrumental in pushing American art onward from Abstract Expressionism, the dominant movement when he emerged, during the early 1950s. He became a transformative link between artists like Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning and those who came next, artists identified with Pop, Conceptualism, Happenings, Process Art and other new kinds of art in which he played a signal role.
Description: Paperback art exhibition catalogue published on the occasion of the Jan. 11 opening of the 2008 exhibition held by the PaceWildenstein gallery, New York.
Rauchenberg, Robert
Publisher: PaceWildenstein
Publication Date: 2008
Binding: Paperback
Book Condition: Very Good
Description: Paperback art exhibition catalogue published on the occasion of the October 27 opening of the 2006 exhibition held by the PaceWildenstein gallery, New York.
Bookseller Inventory # 17520
Robert Rauschenberg : Scenarios and the Ancient Incident
Publisher: PaceWildenstein
Publication Date: 2006
Binding: Paperback
Book Condition: Very Good
· Category: Sold ·